T’ai Chi was initially developed as a martial art. It has emerged over the past several centuries as one of the finest personal development systems that exist. When taught correctly, the movements of Qigong and T’ai Chi develop the body and mind in ways that improve overall health and vitality.
Benefits of regular practice can include:
Better postural alignment and balance Increased range of motion
Flexibility Rehabilitation of injury Massage and activation of organs
Mental Clarity Calm alertness Deep relaxation
Heightened awareness of internal states
Emotional balance Full breathing
Improved cardio-vascular function Increased lymph flow
Strengthened immune response Healing from illness
Strength Endurance
Next Classes to be determined
Instructor: Elizabeth Roscoe
In 1988, Elizabeth studied T’ai Chi and Movement Therapy with Jim Spira in Berkley, CA. She has studied the Wu Short Form and Qigong with Bruce Kumar Frantzis in Marin County, CA.
The Wu practices were developed to open the body to support energy flow and healing.
The class is designed to help beginners learn the fundamentals of these practices to effect changes in all daily activities at home, work, and play.